Coffee for dogs now exists, but it's actually the name of the company that's straight-up shocking.
Shoo founder Agota Jakutyte announced "Rooffee," a coffee for all mammals, in a press release on Wednesday. Seriously, that's what it's called.
While the U.K. based businesswoman seemed unaware that "roofies" is a term for date rape drugs, this is when a little marketing research could have gone a long way.
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Agota told BuzzFeed in an email:
"Honestly, I never faced this terrible thing [roofies] in our country. My first and the main intention was to show the roots and coffee connection and unfortunately, I haven't googled it :). Probably I'm too busy with my shelter dogs and entrepreneurship :)."
It still needs funding, but the entrepreneur did say she'd change the name as not to offend anyone.
Considering the response on Twitter (see below), that's probably for the best:
Imagine the branding mtg:
"Maybe 'Wooffee'? It's at least less similar too..."
"NO! Dogs say 'roof!' It's ROOFFEE. It's f-ing brilliant."
— Charlie Meisch (@meitweet) October 25, 2017
Rooffee is a dumb name, but are there really dog owners who think, "hey, my dog's not hyper or nervous enough, it needs a dose of caffeine"?
— [||||] (@yruadik) October 25, 2017
When I get home tonight, I’m going to Rooffee my do—HEY WAIT NO PUT THE PHONE DOWN DO NOT CALL THE POLICE
— Kevin Cavallaro (@kevmotronic) October 25, 2017
And if you're curious about the coffee that's safe for mammals, it's:
"A herbal biohack to power you and your dog. Roots of the herbs are all natural source of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins which help to boost the immune system, detoxify the body and nourish it."
Would you buy Rooffee for your pup??
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