Monday, August 14, 2017

Vienna Girardi — Winner Of The Bachelor In Jake Pavelka's Season — Reveals She Tragically Miscarried Twin Girls At Just 18 Weeks

This is so, so sad.

Vienna Girardi, who won The Bachelor in 2010 during Jake Pavelka's turn on the show, posted on Facebook earlier today that she suffered a miscarriage earlier this month and lost both of the twins she had been pregnant with at just 18 weeks.


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In the post, Vienna revealed that one of her twins had been showing signs of something called Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome, where one twin takes more nutrients than the other in the womb.

And while that condition initially looked like it had been improving in recent weeks, it turned out to be the major issue behind the miscarriage.

Vienna wrote in part:

"They said that it did look like it had improved over the last week though. Unfortunately, that was not the case and that evening my water broke due to the amniotic sacs rupturing. I spent the next 2 days in the hospital trying everything to save them."

Our hearts break.

Here's the full post (below):

She lost both twin girls just over a week ago, on August 5, and had to undergo emergency surgery herself, which nearly killed her, too -- landing her in the intensive care unit for four days along with the miscarriage.

Such tough, tough news to have to share. R.I.P. to both of her precious little girls -- Vienna is firmly in our thoughts and prayers tonight.

So sad.

[Image via Instagram.]

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