Monday, August 14, 2017

Katy Perry And Orlando Bloom Spotted At An Ed Sheeran Concert… Wait, Are They Back Together?!


Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom were reportedly spotted together this weekend at an Ed Sheeran concert... which begs the question... are these two back together?!?!

Related: Does Katy Still Feel 'Very Free' Or What?!

First things first -- let's get to the pictures reportedly showing the pair together at the concert (below):


Is a picture just a picture in this case, or is a picture worth a thousand words?! Or, more like six words: Katy and Orlando are back together.

Related: Katy's Relationship Advice — Don't Text Your Ex!

It's not just the pic, either -- people on Twitter are claiming they saw (and, uh, touched) Katy and Orlando at the concert (below):


What do U think, Perezcious readers?!

You here for this couple getting it back?? Is this happening??

Let us know your thoughts in the comments (below)!!!

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